Monday, April 4, 2011

The Escape Route

Now I know this sounds like the opposite approach to the solution but let me say this "there are many paths that lead to the top or bottom of the mountain how ever your perception will carry it! So lets start, the easiest way to begin this journey is to stop everything you doing right now! STOP! take a moment to listen to your thought in the back ground canvas of your mind. 

If your normal it should sound like a high school hall way filled with chatter, ideas, gossip and survival! these are the voices of the mind trying to keep you from being you! a never ending cycle of busyness pre-programmed mumbo jumbo! designed with one single focus to UN-focus YOU! Now you have some idea of what goes on upstairs when the lights are off! The Ultimate answer is a simple choice to turn on the light and see the distraction and evict them in a nice way! yes that right there not really doing a lot for you other than preventing you from sleeping, working, having fun and most of all Living! but were not going to ruin the party today just bring some awareness to them that's all. Allow you to realize that the brain doesn't stop! and that GOOD! after all that is it's purpose! except for one thing it's focus has been misguided by all of the conditions and rules we have set for who were suppose to be! If you take another moment and think about all the things you do in your day to hold face such as: 

Appearance or Presentation - clothing and apparel - got to fit the bill! right?

Now I know this subject is a big defence mechanism for most! the alarm bells are ringing upstairs that guy in the corner of the party(The Brain) is saying "Hey man I'm cool guy and I feel cool because I look cool!" and that's who i am, now if this bring you a sense of security them keep it! I'm not saying anything about kicking him out ONLY putting the spot like on him that all!

What would we do? without the need to feel accepted about our presentation and how we fit in! I know a couple of guys or gals at the party(The Brain) upstairs would probably leave with cool guy! and the noise level might quite enough to hear your own thoughts during the day for at least a couple seconds to take a breath! man it feels good to breathe!

Remember Everyone is Unique! and we have to learn to accept that in our selves before were ready to do it with others!

So with all that said if you want to try a little experiment with me try this out!

If you find yourself lacking the focus and not be able to think! look at or if your a hands on learner like me! stop what your doing for a minute pick up something near you and admire or investigate it! 

for example: 

If you work in an office and you hitting your head against the wall with too much going on or can't think. Stop and grab your stapler or anything and pull it open and find out how it works. All the little things that contribute to it's single task! I PROMISE you this by the time you answer that question your mind will be clear as a bell and you will have learned to RE-FOCUS yourself on a single thing! Allowing you to gain some perspective or turn the party music down long enough to think and take a breath!

**If this doesn't work***

Then you simple did NOT do what we were set out to! which was to find something simple and see what makes it simple!

Feel Free to shoot me some questions or ideas you have regarding the "The Escape Route"



  1. Can i buy ticket on the escape route please? how much do you want.... are you selling something.... i've got $5 and some australian dollars in change...

  2. You have a brilliant mind that's to be admired, Gizmo! Keep up the great, inspirational writing - and I'll do what I can to spread these wise words of wisdom! Much love.
